Our Products
We offer a full line of plant based oils and fats designed to meet all your needs. From the highest quality cocoa butter alternative fats to oils used to manufacture bakery products and fried snacks, Fuji Vegetable Oil can provide you with the best formula for your product.
Fuji Vegetable Oil offers a variety of products specially designed for confectionery applications.
Using the latest technology, Fuji’s manufacturing facilities produce an assortment of products that you will find in many foods on store shelves.
Coating Fats
Fuji Vegetable Oil offers a wide range of coating fats to meet customer specific needs for performance, processing and product.
Cocoa butter substitutes (CBS) are fats that do not require tempering and offer excellent mouth feel, gloss and heat resistance. The PALKENA & PALKERIN lines have been developed to meet a range of needs for processing and performance. Fuji Vegetable Oil also offers a line of non-hydrogenated Palkena products.
Cocoa butter equivalents (CBE) are fully compatible with cocoa butter at any level of addition. The PALMY series of CBE allows more freedom in recipe design, at a lower cost than cocoa butter, and the use of existing production equipment. PALMY products offer superior mouth feel and can be formulated to give the desired heat resistance. The versatile PALMY products can be blended at high levels in the recipe, for super compounds, or lower levels as a cocoa butter improver (CBI) to improve heat resistance.
Filling Fats
Fuji Vegetable Oil’s PALMEL fats have exceptional flavor release properties with a refreshing, cool melting sensation. They have excellent compatibility with cocoa butter and can be used in center fillings for extruded bars, bonbons, wafers, and biscuits.
Nut and Cocoa Spreads
The PALMEL fat systems produce a rich and creamy mouth feel for chocolate and nut-flavored spreads.
Barrier Fats
Fuji Vegetable Oil has several barrier fats in the PARKID line to prevent oil and moisture migration and extend the shelf life of your products.
Reduced Saturate Fats
After the reduction and removal of trans saturated fatty acids, an important trend in the food industry is the reduction of saturated fatty acids. The biggest challenge is to find alternatives for food products that obtain their structure from the fat they contain. The novelty of our REDUSAT series is that hard compounds can be achieved, despite a lower saturated fatty acid content.

The Melarin products are highly stable fat systems perfect for use in caramels, nougats, and coffee whiteners.
Parkid A-100 is a milk fat replacer with the same melt profile as milk fat but without the high costs and fluctuating quality of milk fat.
Frozen Desserts
The Melanocoat products are specially made for use in ice cream. Melanocoat MGDG is a proven moisture barrier fat in coatings to maintain crisp, crunchy ice cream cones. The Melanocoat VF provides a soft, non-brittle coating for ice cream bars. Our coconut and palm oils also perform well in mellorine (vegetable fat) ice milk products.

Fuji Vegetable Oil produces a variety of frying fats, from palm oil to sunflower oil, with high oxidative stability. Palm oil and palm olein are excellent frying fats with good stability that provide a light taste to fried foods. Antioxidants, both natural and synthetic, can be added to further enhance this stability.
High oleic sunflower oil, which is high in monounsaturated fat, is low in saturated and polyunsaturated fat. This provides superior stability compared to conventional soybean and cottonseed oils.
Palmel VC Oil
When used in frying and baking, our Palmel VC allows for up to a 35 percent reduction in sodium while greatly enhancing the flavor of foods using reduced seasoning. Oxidative stability is also higher with this specially processed oil.

Candle Wax Components
We produce hard vegetable fats that are an ideal option for the substitution of or blending with other non-vegetable based waxes. These blending components are available in bulk.
Corrugated Impregnation Products
These hard vegetable fats are specifically designed for the impregnation and surface coating of recyclable corrugated containers. Ideal for containers that require the strength to withstand moisture accumulations associated with contact from high moisture products and extreme temperature changes.